Drone technology is rapidly advancing and has the potential to accelerate and amplify impact in the social good space. However, designing effective drone programs remains complex for two reasons:


Programs need to be tailored to local contexts and supported by communities while simultaneously operating within a larger ecosystem of policy, regulations and infrastructure.


While the use of aerial imagery and AI technology can provide invaluable insights, processing and analyzing this type of spatial data requires new and rapidly changing skill sets.

Bright green, densely forested islands in Oaxaca, Mexico viewed from above

Where we come in

At Four Hundred Feet, we help researchers, NGOs, and social good organizations overcome these challenges through our human-centered and data-backed approach to drone program development, training, and aerial mapping.

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Drone Program Development

Whether clients need assistance navigating the local regulatory environment, selecting project sites, identifying technical solutions and partners, or training team members, we have the expertise needed to succeed.

    • Needs assessments

    • Feasibility studies

    • Regulatory guidance

    • Hardware selection

    • Stakeholder workshops and trainings

    • Project design

    • Implementation support

    • Project evaluations

    • Continuous monitoring

    • Technical writing and research

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Aerial Mapping
+ Spatial Analysis

We specialize in aerial data collection to generate orthographic, topographic, multispectral, and LiDar maps as well as 3D models for agricultural, environmental, and humanitarian use cases.

  • Aerial Mapping

    • Orthographic

    • Topographic

    • Multispectral + Thermal

    • LiDar

    • 3D Models

    Spatial Data Analysis

    • Data Processing

    • Data Analysis + Modeling